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How to Send Menopausal Symptoms packing!

How to Send Menopausal Symptoms packing!

Nutritionist Susie Debice BSc Hons, Dip ION shares her best nutrition and wellbeing tips for 2020 to help settle down troublesome menopause symptoms.  

Your menopause could last for years so if you were burying your head in the sand in 2019 then now is the time to face facts about your hormonal transition. The start of a new year brings the opportunity to wipe the slate clean, get clued up and put into action five easy nutrition and lifestyle menopause busting tips so that you can sail through 2020 without a flush in sight! Start your New Year with a list of resolutions that can really make a difference to your health and wellbeing.

#01 Cut Caffeine

The caffeine debate continues to roll on – some experts advocate that drinking too much caffeine, coffee in particular, could draw the body pH away from the preferred alkaline state and tip it towards an undesirable acidic state. An alkaline-forming diet is certainly a popular and healthy diet to follow especially for those who suffer from joint pains, headaches and skin issues and it’s suggested that coffee is replaced with more alkalising forms of herbal teas. Other experts say that the caffeine in coffee contributes to metabolism, fat burning and helps to energise the body and focus the mind.

Since this debate has been going on for decades it worth noting what a sensible nutritionist is likely to say on the subject, which is that it’s about moderation and the other factors that are going on in your life. Research shows us that women who drink coffee have more frequent and more severe hot flushes. So if your menopause is making you hot under the collar then it’s time to make cutting caffeine your first New Year’s resolution. Stock up on herbal teas and be prepared for a couple of headaches as your body copes with the caffeine withdrawal.

#02 Down Time

Rushing around trying to prove to yourself and everyone that you’re a new kind of superhero does not align with the menopause. It’s called ‘pause’ for a reason! Rushing and an overbooked schedule creates stress and getting overwhelmed, and this tends not to sit well with hormone balance and the menopause. So grab a new 2020 diary and make sure that you schedule out some down time, when you can pause, relax, unwind and give your body and your hormones a chance to recalibrate. This a helpful way to better manage menopausal symptoms.

#03 Get Active

Putting on weight is common during the menopause because the falling hormones start to impact on metabolism and putting on weight over Christmas is common for many of us! Put the two together and it’s time to dust off those trainers, dig out your sportswear and get active. Sign up to a new exercise class and see if a friend wants to join you as you are far more likely to go together. The great thing about exercising is that it helps to encourage our happy brain hormone called serotonin.

#04 B-Vitamins

This family of vitamins have numerous health benefits including supporting metabolism, reducing tiredness and fatigue, contributing to hormone balance and supporting normal psychological function – so a positive impact on energy, mood and mind. In 2020 swap refined carbs (white bread, white pasta, white rice) for a wholegrain alternative which provides a source of dietary B-vitamins.

If your menopausal symptoms are becoming more problematic then it’s also worth supplementing with this family of vitamins.

#05 Skin Food

Collagen is an important structural protein found in the joints, ligaments, cartilage, intestine lining, bones and skin, but our levels of collagen decline as we age. Oestrogen plays a part in collagen renewal so as you go through the menopause you may notices changes in your skin tone and elasticity. Vitamin C also plays a key role in building new collagen. So for graceful ageing and youthful skin make sure you incorporate bone broths into your weekly diet as these are rich in collagen peptides. Topping up on purple berries, green leafy vegetables and citrus helps to bring in vitamin C. For an extra layer of skin food you could treat yourself to a good quality hydrolysed collagen peptide supplement and remember to accompany this with a supplement of vitamin C for ultimate collagen renewal support.

Wishing you a glowing 2020! From everyone at Inspired Health.

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